Campbellsville University - Hodgenville
Unverified School
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Programs Available

Program information not available.
About This School
Please contact this school to learn more about how to apply.
Financial Aid
42% of students received financial aid. Students were awarded $17,629 on average.
First-time undergraduate students in the 2021 school year.
This school is accredited by the State Board of Cosmetology.
Other Area Schools You Should Consider
Empire Beauty School - Elizabethtown – Accredited
554 Westport Road
Elizabethtown, KY 42701
Elizabethtown, KY 42701
(270) 600-4047

Cosmetology, Esthetics/Skin Care, Teacher Training
Empire Beauty School - Louisville Chenoweth – Accredited
151 Chenoweth Lane
Louisville, KY 40207
Louisville, KY 40207
(503) 925-5816

Cosmetology, Teacher Training
Bailey's Institute of Beauty
649 Knox Boulevard
Radcliff, KY 40160
Radcliff, KY 40160