The Dooby Shop School of Cosmetology
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Programs Available

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Hair Design
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The Dooby Shop School of Cosmetology is an affordable way to gain a well-rounded cosmetology education. On Google, student Bri Lynn explains, “I’m a current student and I Love the atmosphere. Not only are we learning but also having fun. What I enjoy most is the hands on experience.”
The cosmetology program encompasses classroom theory and practical skills for a salon setting in all aspects of beauty, including hair, skin, and nail care. The 1,500 hours take two years of part-time or one year of full-time study to complete. Unlike many other options, this school will also teach you to work with Black hair, from quick weaves and sew-ins to braids.
About This School
Please contact this school to learn more about how to apply.
This school is accredited by the National Accrediting Commission of Career Arts & Sciences (NACCAS).
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