Xtylo Beauty College - Phoenix
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Programs Available

Program Length | 1,600 hours |
Average Completion | 13 months |
Program Tuition | $13,200 |

Nail Technology
Program information not available.

Teacher Training
Program information not available.
Xtylo Beauty College offers students the opportunity to study for a 1,600-hour cosmetology certification program on either a part-time or full-time basis, as well as programs in barbering, nail technology, and instructor training. The school is bilingual (English and Spanish), and scholarships and financial aid are available via the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) program.
The school's cosmetology program prepares students for the state licensure exam and a career. The acquired knowledge and skills will also prepare students to work as hairdressers, salon managers, hair colorists, salon owners, and product demonstrators.
Parent Javier is happy about his daughter's time at Xtylo Beauty College: "Excellent school, very personalized attention, my daughter is super happy with her academic progress. We highly recommend it."
About This School
There is an application fee of $100. Please contact this school to learn more about how to apply.
Financial Aid
81% of students received financial aid. Students were awarded $5,660 on average.
First-time undergraduate students in the 2021 school year.
School Size
As of 2021 this school has 59 students enrolled with a student-to-teacher ratio of 16:1.
Information gathered from the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), 2023.
This school is accredited by the National Accrediting Commission of Career Arts & Sciences (NACCAS).
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